1. Uniqlo TOP
  2. Uniqlo USA Customer Service
  3. Online
  4. My UNIQLO Account

Not receiving SMS


If you have not received the SMS text to verify your account, please refer the following information below:

Make sure you have a strong cell phone signal.
Weak signals may take some time for the text to appear. If the cellular connection on the phone doesn't have good signal strength, it is recommended that you try to move to a different location for better reception.

Unblock unknown numbers
If your phone blocks unknown numbers, you may not receive the verification text. Please review your phone's filtered text to locate our verification code SMS text message.

Confirmation of Registered Phone Number
Please confirm that the registered phone number is correct. 

Check Storage Space
Your cell phone may not be able to receive new text messages if the storage space is full. We ask that you delete any unnecessary text messages or files to free up space for incoming text messages. 

Turn Airplane Mode Off
Text messages cannot be received if cell phone device has Airplane Mode turned on. Please turn off Airplane Mode. Phone may need to be rebooted for effect to occur. 

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