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UNIQLO & Kinokuniya USA Bookstore


What UNIQLO Stores have the Kinokuniya USA Bookstore?

Kinokuniya USA Bookstore is currently available at 8 select locations:

- UNIQLO 5th Avenue (NYC)
- UNIQLO Disney Springs (Orlando)
- UNIQLO State Street (Chicago)
- UNIQLO Pine Street (Seattle)
- UNIQLO Dallas Galleria (Dallas)
             *located on the 1st Floor
- UNIQLO Westfield UTC (San Diego)
             *located on the Main Floor
- UNIQLO Memorial City (Houston)

             *located on the Main Floor

What items are available at the Kinokuniya Bookstores?

There are a variety of books, magazines, along with gifts and stationery and much more! 
Prices vary based on the items.


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