1. Uniqlo TOP
  2. Uniqlo USA Customer Service
  3. Delivery
  4. Shipping

How do I find out if my order has been shipped?

To check the status of your order, please log in to your Uniqlo.com account and select ‘MEMBERSHIP’ by hovering over one of the categories.

Once at the membership page, select the ‘ORDER HISTORY’ button and any recent orders placed online will appear here along with the current status.

* Please also note that an email is sent to the email address on file with more information on your recent purchase.


Holiday Shipping Cut-Off Guide

**To ensure that your purchase arrives in time for holiday celebrations, please see the below shipping and delivery guide.

**We recommend that you place your orders 2 business days before the shipping cutoff date to accommodate time for any alterations requested.


*Please be aware that delivery to APO/FPO/DPO/AE addresses may not arrive by the holidays.
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