1. Uniqlo TOP
  2. Uniqlo USA Customer Service
  3. Online
  4. My Order

Can I cancel my order?

*You can cancel your order within 30 minutes after placing it online. Order is canceled only when delivery status is Incomplete. 

In order to cancel your order, log in to your account and select the following in the membership section:

  • If on the website (desktop or mobile browser), please select [Purchase History]
  • If on the UNIQLO App, please select [Order History]

 If your order is still within the 30 minute window, you will see a ‘CANCEL’ button. Once you click this cancel button, it will ask you to confirm that you would like to cancel the order.

Once done, an order cancellation confirmation will appear on the screen as well as an email confirming it will be sent shortly.

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