1. Uniqlo TOP
  2. Uniqlo USA Customer Service
  3. Return/Exchange
  4. Online Orders

Can I cancel my Exchange or Return Request?


You may cancel your Exchange request within 30 minutes of initially completing the Exchange application.

1. Log into your UNIQLO.com account
2. Navigate to “Order History” within your account
3. Click on the “EXCHANGE OR RETURN” button associated with the order you were in the process of returning
4. On the next page, click on the "DETAILS" tab at the top of your screen
5. In this view, locate the item(s) that you would like to cancel your exchange request for
6. Select the “CANCEL EXCHANGE” button for the item(s) that you would like to cancel your exchange request for
7. A pop-up will appear confirming your selection(s). Confirm your canceled exchange request once more


At this time, if you haven't shipped your return back to our warehouse yet, you are able to cancel your initial return request. You can do so by following the steps below:

1. Log into your UNIQLO.com account
2. Navigate to “Order History” within your account
3. Click on the “EXCHANGE OR RETURN” button associated with the order you were in the process of returning
4. On the next page, click on the "DETAILS" tab at the top of your screen
5. In this view, locate the item(s) that you would like to cancel your return request for
6. Select the “CANCEL RETURN” button for the item(s) that you would like to cancel your return request for
7. A pop-up will appear confirming your selection(s). Confirm your canceled return request once more

Your return request has now been canceled and the initial request will no longer show up in the “Return Details” section within your account.
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